"Before joining TriGuard's team, I never imagined myself ever becoming a salesman. In fact, I thought sales people were annoying and often times unethical. TriGuard taught me that I don't need to be a typical "Sales Bro" or lower my standards in order to succeed, so I took a risk and signed up. I had a great first summer; I made great money and great memories, all while maintaining my integrity. Now, after a few years with TriGuard, I feel obligated to share my experience with others and allow them to experience the same thing. I love my job and love my company. Give us a shot, and I'm sure you will too."

"This was my first year selling pest control and I'm very happy I went with TriGuard. I did significantly better than I was expecting and it was because of the support I received from my managers and co-workers. I had 2 managers in my office who were solely dedicated to my success and the success of the other guys selling. Instead of focusing on selling their own accounts, they spent all day making sure everything ran smoothly for us and would come knock with us to help us improve. We also have the best technicians who care about our customers and do a good, thorough job treating homes. One of my main concerns about selling door to door was feeling like I was being dishonest or deceptive. However, this summer I learned that you can be successful while still being respectful and honest. Overall, working for TriGuard has been a great experience and a huge blessing financially. I'm glad I gave summer sales a shot."

"Prior to TriGuard, I sold for another pest control company. I appreciate that TriGuard is a family owned company that invests in their employees' success both at work and outside of work. I tend to be a little competitive, so I also enjoy the incentives and contests. Prior to coming back this year, I established my overall goals for the season and broke them down to weekly and daily goals. I have always closely tracked my average contract value, daily sales vs. accounts serviced, weekly sales and monthly sales. I focused on removing distractions from meeting my goals and instead focused on consistency. I am constantly looking at ways to better connect with my customers to gain their trust and demonstrate value in our service. I seek feedback from my peers and am willing to help others when needed. I also like to work closely with our techs to let them know we appreciate them taking care of the customers."

"I've been with TriGuard for 3 years now and I love it. The company is very supportive and has really great training. My second summer, I made 4 times more money that I did my first summer. The company didn't only help me with sales, but they have helped me start my own side business, helped me purchase a vehicle, and have taught me about investments and how to use money wisely to get me ahead in life. The management in the company really cares about the reps' success. Super fun summer with great incentives and great things to learn."

"I first came in touch with TriGuard at Walmart where I was working, I met one of the managers of TriGuard who quickly became my friend. The first thing that I noticed was the honesty he had about the job and it’s requirements while recruiting me, I was able to quickly get to know the company and all the fun things we do. I have many friends and family members that sell for different companies and none of them have nearly the amount of perks as this company does. This company is definitely one of the best and I am so glad that I chose to work for TriGuard."